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Thursday, March 13, 2014

CNN BREAKING NEW *************

RangonNewsDaily: March . 12 .2014
နယူးေယာက္ မင္ဟန္တန္ရပ္ကြက္မွာ ႀကီးက်ယ္တဲ႕ေပါက္ကြဲမႈႀကီးၿဖစ္ပြားၿပီး အေဆာက္အဦး ၂ ခု ၿပိဳက်ခဲ့ေႀကာင္းသတင္းရရွိပါသည္။လူေတြအမ်ားႀကီးေနတဲ့ အေဆာက္အဦးျဖစ္တယ္.

ဘာေပါက္ကြဲတယ္ လူေတြေသဆံးုမွု ၿဖစ္ပြားရတဲ႕တဲ့အေၾကာင္းအရင္းအေသးစိတ္မသိရေသပါဘူး။

Search under way at New York building collapse, trains halted


NEW YORK- New York City firefighters were investigating a building collapse in upper Manhattan today, according to a spokesman for the fire department.

The spokesman said the department was responding at a building at East 114th Street and Park Avenue in East Harlem after reports of a collapse at about 9 a.m. The fire department said they had no information on casualties or whether anyone was inside.
Smoke and dust was rising from the debris and fire engines spraying water into the rubble.

Commuter trains were stopped on nearby tracks and passengers were ordered off the Metro-North Railroad cars at the Fordham stop in the Bronx, passengers said.


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