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Monday, September 30, 2013

သံတြဲၿမိဳ႕ အႀကမ္းဖက္တိုက္ခိုက္ခံရမႈ ႏိုင္ငံတကာမီဒီယာ အမ်ားစုကေဖာ္ၿပေန

RangonNewsDaily:: September 30, 2013
သံတြဲအၾကမ္းဖက္ခံရမႈသတင္း ႏုိင္ငံတကာ သတင္းမီဒီယာေတြ ျဖစ္တဲ့Bangkokpost, Tribune,
ABC, FoxNews, Reuters တို ့မွာ တက္ပါျပီ။ အရင္ကလုိ သတင္းအေမွာင္ခ်ထားျပီး ကမာၻကိုလိမ္ခ်င္တုိင္းလိမ္လို ့မရေတာ့ဘူး ဆိုတာ စစ္အရည္ခြံလဲ အစိုးရ သိထားပါ။

Sectarian tensions flare in Myanmar
YANGON - Tension was high in a northwestern Myanmar town late Sunday after Buddhist mobs torched two homes belonging to Muslims and security forces in the area were placed on high alert.

Win Myaing, a government spokesman in the restive state of Rakhine, said the trouble started in the coastal town of Thandwe on Saturday after a Buddhist taxi driver told police he had been verbally abused by a Muslim small business owner while trying to park in front of his shop.
Police took the Muslim man in for questioning. But when he was released soon after, people became angry and started throwing stones at his home.

Myaing said at least two houses had been burned down by Sunday night. Security forces were trying to restore order.
"The situation is under control but very tense," Myo Min a Muslim resident of Thandwe contacted by phone told The Associated Press, adding that residents were fearful because they were hearing rumours that more Buddhists in Rakhine would come to Thandwe to destroy Muslim houses.

A similar incident occurred in Thandwe, 170 miles (270 kilometres) northwest of Yangon, three months ago when two Muslim houses were burned down after rumours circulated that a woman had been raped by Muslim men.
Myanmar, a predominantly Buddhist country of 60 million people, has been gripped by sectarian violence since June of last year. Most of the 250 people killed have been Muslims and 140,000 others have been displaced.

The latest flare-up will reinforce doubts that President Thein Sein's government can or will act to contain the violence.


Others Media::--

Bangkokpost, RangonNewsDaily
kolatt (Pabedan)

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