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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

969 Sermons in the North of Yangon, Residents are Worried of Riots

969 Sermons in the North of Yangon, Residents are Worried of Riots

Oak Kan
March 27, 2013
Tun Tauk

Muslims in the town of Oak Kan, north of Yangon, are living in fear due to information that they will be attacked.

A muslim resident in Oak Kan told M-Media, "Everyone is worried now because of the news that the Buddhists will attack Muslims. Here, there are religious sermons by 969 Buddhist monks everyday from March 27 to 29. We are especially worried for March 29 when the sermons end. There are two mosques here. There are threats and black mails that Muslim areas known as Panipin village will be burnt. We transported woman, children and elders to other safe places and only men are left in town. We are especially worried for March 29".

March 27, 2013

Muslims in the town of Oak Kan, north of Yangon, are living in fear due to information that they will be attacked. A muslim resident in Oak Kan told M-Media, "Everyone is worried now because of the news that the Buddhists will attack Muslims.

Here, there are religious sermons by 969 Buddhist monks everyday from March 27 to 29. We are especially worried for March 29 when the sermons end. There are two mosques here. There are threats and black mails that Muslim areas known as Panipin village will be burnt. We transported woman, children and elders to other safe places and only men are left in town. We are especially worried for March 29".

Oak Kan
M-Media, Rangonnewsdaily

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